Monday, October 18, 2010

My Alter-Ego.

I know it's been forever, but I'm back. Here's a look at my alter-ego. She looks absolutely nothing like me but hey that's why she's an alter-ego! I hope to package her for downloading in the near future.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More La Belle

Hey Guys!
So I got all caught up in creating Lost for the contest, but discovered that I was in way over my head for a short video. I created a small Victorian themed video titled Bewitchment isntead, but alas, my internet was down the day of the deadline. Oh well. Maybe there will be another contest at some point? Right now I'm getting on La Belle et la Bete part II. I may make a third part, depending on how long the second one ends up being. So stay tuned!